Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You know you’re back in Germany when....

...people start applauding after touch down....hahaha. Ohh and those German people are so weird. The way they are talking. And the flight attendants on the plane.....I refused to talk German to them. I pretended I was American :-D But one of those TUSSIS kept on talking German to me. I responded with “sorry?” and then she said it in English. HAHA.. Of course there were some nice male flight attendants as well. Very funny…
So after ...(well on my watch it looks like no time cause it was 6pm when I left San Jose and not it’s 6pm here in Munich) .... a looooong time and flight I am back in Germany and it feels like a German part in a theme park. So fake... I don’t know. Especially because it's Oktoberfest in Munich at the moment it's like all the ideas Americans have of Germans are true :D

But let’s go back to my last day in CA:
Yesterday morning I went to church with my host family again and after that we had lunch at aCalifornia Pizza Kitchen. And sooner then I wanted 3pm to come it was there and we left to the airport. And of course my suitcases were too heavy. I didn’t weigh them. I repacked some stuff in the other suitcase so only one of them was too heavy and I “only” had to pay 100$ extra. (Hahaha my I-pod is so funny...it’s playing “if you’re going to San Francisco....” right now. Thank you I pod, I already had the crazy frog...)
Anyways....Katte, Sarah, Alina and a big cup of Yogurtland also came to the airport!Next, I had to say bye to my host family  :-( I still don’t really realize that I won’t see the boys everyday anymore now.
Luckily, I had my FroYo to cheer me up a little :-) Of course that didn’t last long cause there were some more goodbyes waiting. So when it was time to pass security those tissues were really useful ;-) (I had to use it on the plane again, cause that was the (funkytown...are you serious??? this ipod loves me!!)  only one I had in my pocket hahaha but you can still read it :-D)
I was so tired I already fell asleep on the plane to LA. After I cried like a Baby when the plane took off from San Jose ground. That was such a weird feeling.

In LA I had to bring all my stuff to the international terminal. That took so much effort.....to my surprise the handle of my suitcase didn’t break completely. Not yet....:-D When I finally arrived at my Lufthansa gate it was almost time to board and my return to ze land of smiles und sunshine began!
The flight was okay. Although I just wanted to sleep after take off I had to stay awake and wait for the fooooood. And unlike some nice American airlines which don’t even give you a snack on an 8 hours flight to Hawaii, Lufthansa gives you a snack and serves dinner including dessert (which was chocolate so I couldn’t eat it) 10 minutes later. I started watching Alice in Wonderland but then decided to try to sleep after dinner. It didn’t really work though. My body hurt like crazy. Good thing was that one of the seats next to me was empty so my backpack was under that seat and I was able to stretch my legs. But still it’s not very comfortable. I don’t remember what I did then. I think I listened to music. At around 4 am I took a headache pill cause my head was exploding. After that I went to the bathroom and walked around for a bit and then I actually fell asleep until they woke me up for breakfast at 6am....really????? I don’t eat breakfast. Well I did eat it and it was quite good but I was SLEEPING!!!! So the time went by fast and we landed earlier than planned.
In Munich they stopped ME for Zoll Kontrolle..whatever that word is in English. So I had to open my suitcase and backpack. And the woman was so unfriendly. After IIII had to repack my stuff she let me go.....Off to security check. And guess who had to open her bags again... MEEEEE. An the woman took everything out of my suitcase and backpack and IIIII had to put it in there again. So much fun! I was the only one there with carry on luggage which made me the perfect victim :-D and those Germans....hahaha there was a group of guys and one of them had to take his shoes of and that was such a BIG THING. They couldn’t believe it. And one of them had to take his Bavarian hat off. Too bad.
Now I’m sitting at my gate and I'm waiting for my flight to Cologne which should have taken off 10 minutes ago but the plane just arrived so it’s gonna take at least 40 minutes longer until I will be there. And I’m getting so tired now. My eyes don’t really stay open anymore. That’s when you have 6 hours sleeps within the last 3 days. And I am HUNGRY!!! I can’t wait for my BRÖTCHEN!!!!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sad Sausages everywhere.....

Hello Everybooodyyyy!
It's almost 1.30 am and since of course I won't be able to fall asleep now anyway I thought I could start my "new" blog. This time in English. Maybe I should change my German blog into English too. It's not like my Grandmas would log in to read it everyday and everybody else should be able to understand English ;) Or I can just Google translate the English version. My German sucks anyway :-D haha.

I had my Goodbye Dinner tonight. Pretty weird. 1 more week in CA now :-( I can't believe how fast 1 year can go by! CRAZY! My last weekend will hopefully be niiiiiice! The last week was horrible cause my complete hostfamily including me was really sick! So I was stuck at home until yesterday evening.

I know there are certain people who still wonder what this whole sausage thing is about... :-) I guess when you hear it it doesn't seem funny at all :-D

The whole thing started when I took my boys to the park and we played soccer. My boys tend to get very frustrated when they don't get what they want RIGHT AWAY! So when E. didn't get the ball once he took off, sat down on a bench and made a really, really sad and mad face. Of course I went  to him and talked to him. I was like "In German we call those people ...eeeehhhh ....well.....a ...sad sausage (beleidigte Leberwurst)!!!" He looked at me and said "what does that even mean??" Haha.
I don't remember how we got to talk about that later but I told Jared about the sad sausage and then Ulli called and pretended she didn't wanna come anymore so Jared said that I was really sad sausage now.
That's basically it. The word "sad" is replaceable by every other word that makes sense or not. Haha.
For everyone who was hoping for something much more fun....sorry. That's it :-D

Did I mention I turned Jared into a very sad and evil sausage tonight at Bowling. IIIIIII WON! ME ME ME ME ME!!! Not that special of course.....ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! :-)