Saturday, November 24, 2012

Time flies

Christmas is only one month away which means that most of my friends here will be leaving soon :((((
I've been busy with school stuff the past weeks. I have lots of group projects which are fun but it can get really annoying when you have to get 5 people to meet at the same time. In my aboriginal studies class we had to design a center for First Nations People and specifically for Indian Residential School Survivors. If you never heard about that before you should google it. It's really upsetting that so many people don't know about what the Canadian government did to Indian people. One of my jobs for the project was to design a homepage where we put the information about the center. It's all hypothetical of course but if you're interested you can take a look:

And I've been sick. Again. I lost my voice twice in a week. Exchange life is exhausting.... ;)
But that doesn't keep me from doing stuff :D
Last weekend we went to see a Basketball game. UOttawa against McMaster University. It was nice and we won :) We're going to see a Hockey game later today. Unfortunately, due to the NHL Lockout, there are no professional Hockey games at the moment so that's the only Canadian Hockey experience we will get while we're here.

We're trying to do as much stuff as we can now because we have so little time left together. We only have two more weeks of class and then finals. Next week the International Office already has a farewell party planned. I don't want the semester to be over :((((

PS: We had the first snow today that actually stayed on the ground for a bit. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Birthday Fun

Woohoo I'm 23!
After staying up until 3 am finishing a paper that was due on my birthday and getting up quite early, going to class, staying home for a while and going to class again the fun part of my birthday started at 9pm with a nice dinner with some friends. We went to "Royal" and most of us had burgers. Yumm Yumm :))) So that was Wednesday and then yesterday we had our big party. It was Tessie's birthday on the 6th so we celebrated together and had a houseparty at our place (Tessie lives at the residence so the "location" choice was pretty obvious"). It was FUN! Pretty crowded but FUN! And this morning a looooot of beer bottles and sticky floors.

birthday dinner


Jello Shots :)

Birthday girls

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween

We had some halloween fun on Wednesday altough there is no holiday here on Nov 1st.....Had class at 8.30am which I did not attend ;) We dressed up at our place and later went to a club at the market here in Ottawa. It was pretty fun.